The 1st International Conference On Global Issue (ICGI)

"The Future of Asia: Preparing For Global Leadership"

Geopolitic, Economy, Information and Technology, Energy, Environment

Hybrid & Certified

October 1st, 2024
Cyber Auditorium, Universitas Nasional
08.00 a.m-17.00 p.m

About The Conference
Conference Date

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Keynote speakers

Speaker 1

Dino Patti Djalal

Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Amerika Serikat (2010-2013)

Speaker 2

Elon Musk

Founder of PayPal (, SpaceX, Tesla Motors, Starlink

Speaker 3

Prof. Dr. Mohd Kamarulnizam Abdullah

Professor in National Security at the School of International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia


Speaker 4

Prof. Rhenald Kasali, Ph.D

Komisari Utama Pos Indonesia, Akademisi, dan Wirausahan

Speaker 5

Dato Dr. Nasharudin Mat Isa

The Chairman of Nassar Foundation, Malaysia

Speaker 6

Dr. Haiyun Ma

Associate Professor Frostburg State University, Marryland, USA

Speaker 7

Dr. Muhammad Saleem Nadwi

General Secretary of The India Forum for Moderation and Dialogue, India

Speaker 8

Dr. Robi Nurhadi, Ph.D

International Analyst from Universitas Nasional

The 1st International Conference on Global Issue. The Future of Asia: Prepering For Global Leadership From Asia

  • Geopolitic
  • Economy
  • Information & Technology
  • Human Resources
  • Environment

Time and Location

Universitas Nasional. October 01th, 2024
08.00 a.m-17.00 p.m

Scope and Topics

Conference’s Scope and Topics, but not limited to:

  • Geopolitics
    Geopolitics encompasses a wide range of subjects, including international relations, defense, regionalism, globalization, peace and war, conflict resolution, and the influence of international mass media and social media. Additionally, geoeconomics, energy geopolitics, environmental geopolitics, human rights, technology and cybersecurity, migration and refugees, international organizations, cultural geopolitics, arms control and non-proliferation, nationalism and populism, and space geopolitics are integral aspects of the geopolitical landscape. This multidimensional field explores the interconnectedness of various factors, such as economic policies, energy resources, environmental issues, technological advancements, cultural factors, and global governance, providing a comprehensive understanding of how these elements shape international relations and contribute to the complexities of the global stage.

  • Economy
    The economy encompasses a broad array of interconnected elements, including business, management, finance, human resources, machinery, export-import activities, and supply chain dynamics. Additionally, it extends to macroeconomics, which studies overall economic performance, and microeconomics, which delves into the behavior of individual economic agents. Other crucial components involve labor economics, public economics, development economics, behavioral economics, industrial organization, monetary economics, international economics, environmental economics, health economics, innovation and technology economics, entrepreneurship, and economic history. Each facet contributes to a comprehensive understanding of how economies operate, considering factors ranging from individual decision-making to global economic interactions and historical trends.

  • Information and Technology
    The realm of IT encompasses a diverse array of elements crucial to the modern digital landscape. Notable components include satellites, facilitating communication and navigation; e-commerce platforms, transforming the way business is conducted; and digitalization, a pervasive trend across industries. Additionally, it involves cloud computing for scalable computing services, artificial intelligence and machine learning for advanced automation, cybersecurity for protecting digital assets, and the Internet of Things connecting devices for data exchange. Other vital aspects encompass blockchain technology for secure transactions, 5G technology for faster connectivity, data analytics and big data for insights, augmented and virtual reality for immersive experiences, and quantum computing for advanced computations. The scope also extends to biotechnology and IT in healthcare, mobile technology, social media and networking, robotics, and human-computer interaction, collectively shaping the intricate landscape of information and technology.

  • Energy
    The scope of energy is diverse, encompassing various sources and forms crucial to powering our world. Notable components include traditional sources such as oil and gas, minerals, and coal, along with renewable energy options like wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass. Nuclear energy, deriving power from nuclear reactions, also plays a significant role. Additionally, energy considerations extend to energy storage technologies, smart grids, and advancements in energy efficiency to optimize consumption. The domain of energy encompasses policy and regulation, addressing the transition towards cleaner sources, and the integration of electric vehicles and sustainable transportation solutions. Energy economics, including pricing, market dynamics, and investment strategies, is another integral aspect of this multifaceted field, reflecting the complexity of meeting global energy needs while addressing environmental and sustainability concerns.

  • Environment
    The scope of the environment is multifaceted, including critical elements such as biodiversity conservation, environmental security, and climate change. It extends to encompass studies in ecosystem services, focusing on the benefits that ecosystems provide to humanity, and conservation biology, addressing the protection of endangered species and sustainable ecosystem management. Additionally, the scope involves examining human impacts on land through land use and urbanization, ensuring sustainable water resources and management, studying air quality and pollution, and implementing effective waste management strategies. Ethical considerations in environmental interactions, principles of sustainable development, and the pursuit of environmental justice are integral components. The field also involves global environmental governance, environmental impact assessments for proposed projects, and natural resource management for long-term ecological sustainability. Furthermore, it includes areas such as ecotourism, emphasizing sustainable practices. This comprehensive approach reflects the interconnected nature of environmental challenges and the necessity for holistic strategies to promote environmental health and sustainability.


Our Timeline

Do not miss anything topic about the event

Publication Opportunities

All accepted articles will be published in Proceeding “The Future of Asia: Preparing For Global Leadership From Asia”


published by:

  • International Journal of Social Science and Human Resource
  • International journal of Research science and Management
  • Social Science and Humanities Journal

Submit your Articles

Kindly prepare your articles properly based on the template of Atlantis Press Proceeding. You can download the template here.

All the submission processes will be done through EasyChair with the following steps:

  • Log in to your EasyChair account (Sign up if you don’t have the account).
  • Click the Submission Button below for submission.

All accepted articles will be published in Proceeding “Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research”, published by Atlantis Press as the Part of SPRINGER NATURE GROUP.

Conference Registration

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Ticket Pricing

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Non Student

Rp500.000 /

  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Keynote talk
  • Talk to the Editors Session
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Student / Foreign Student

Rp300.000 /

  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Keynote talk
  • Talk to the Editors Session
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Keynote talk
Get Ticket

Speaker / Foreign Speaker

Rp1.000.000 /

  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Keynote talk
  • Talk to the Editors Session
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Event Venue

Event venue location info and gallery

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Cyber Auditorium Universitas Nasional

Jl. Sawo Manila, RT.14/RW.3, Ps. Minggu, Kec. Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta.